Man Power Requests

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24 January 2023

Park Derochie

Sarnia Ontario

Shift is 5 X 8s Project is set to start in May and manpower requirements will be considerable for the balance of 2021.

Subsistence Allowance for out-of-town Members

If an out-of-town Member performing Project Work maintains his primary residence at a location that is greater than eighty (80) road kilometres from the Project via the shortest route on public roads that Member will be eligible to receive Subsistence Allowance, which shall consist of
$125 for each full day worked or as further described below.

Subsistence Allowance is payable only for days the out-of-town Member works a full work day on Project Work, unless:
1. The out-of-town Member is unable to work a full work day because his employer suspends such Project Work due to inclement weather; or
2. The day is a holiday as outlined in the applicable Collective Agreement,

and the Member completes a full work day on the work days Immediately preceding and following the inclement weather day or the public holiday.

Travel Allowance for out-of-town Members

If an out-of-town Member performing Project Work maintains his primary residence at a location that is greater than five hundred (500) road kilometres from the Project via the shortest route on public roads, that Member will be eligible to receive Travel Allowance in addition to Subsistence Allowance.

Travel Allowance shall consist of a one-time payment of $250 for travel to the Project and another one-time payment of $250 for return travel, provided that the following conditions are met:

1. The out-of-town Member must complete thirty (30) calendar days of employment on Project Work to qualify for the initial Travel Allowance payment. Such payment will be made on the first regular pay following the 30-day period.
2. Return Travel Allowance shall be paid at the end of the out-of-town Member’s assignment to NOVA. The out-of-town Member must complete sixty (60) calendar days of employment on the Project to qualify for the return Travel Allowance payment, unless:
a. the Member has been laid off;
b. the job has been completed; or
c. the Member has been granted permission by the employer to leave the Project.


Note: Members will have to travel or transfer into OPCMIA Local -124, please contact the hall for further information.